Rise and shine, because now it’s your time

What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.


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Donec a metus ut justo sodales eu hicula Sed dapibus justo sit amet justo maximus, ac eleifend


Donec a metus ut justo sodales eu hicula Sed dapibus justo sit amet justo maximus, ac eleifend

We Change Lives, Everyday

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Saanaya Singh - CEO

The Best Classes With Us

Social/Emotional Growth

World Language

Physical Development

Unique Learning Environment

Etiam scelerisque nec elit ac efficitur. Duis vestibulum magna sit amet ante gravida malesuada. Nunc gravida dui scelerisque libero venenatis hendrerit vestibulum


Learning Program


Playing Area


Expert Teachers

What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.

We Educate Students to be Exceptional Learners and Independent Thinkers of Vision, Courage and Integrity

Upcoming Events

Working with the greater than/less than equations

Using LEGO duplos to match numerals and quantities

Using cards and objects to show groups combining

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Cras vestibulum arcu sit amet erat accumsan vehicula. Curabitur aliquam sapien in posuere volutpat. Sed vinar elit sapien, non ac cumsan enim malesuada eu.

Jessica Hiscthe Web Developer

Our Expert Teachers

Etiam scelerisque nec elit ac efficitur. Duis vestibulum magna sit amet ante gravida malesuada.

Play to Learn
Quality Educators
Safety & Security

deGrass Tyson

Senior Educator

Jane Cooper

Kindergarten Teacher

Martin Scorsese

Music Teacher

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