junior-infants-homework 12/10/2020
Week 8: 8th-12th June
Kahoot: Junior Infants
General Knowledge: 02907117
Get in Shape!: 07204258
CVC Words: 0865535
Garden Creatures: 04199088
Kahoot: Senior Infants
Pirates: 07524808
Subtraction: 09001621
Fruit: 07781994
Phonics: Middle & end sounds: 02350859
Give us a clue: Shapes: 01572566
Week 7 – 2nd -5th June
Week 7: Kahoot: Junior Infants
Nursery Rhymes: 06071798
Fun on the farm: 09788843
Matching CVC to pictures: 01400274
Beginning Capital letter Sounds: 01415561
Week 7: Kahoot: Senior Infants
Colours: 02729890
Nursery Rhymes: 09744409
Fun on the farm: 09788843
Picture Graphs: 01148110
Match the word: 04167891
Epic: Senior Infants: (Just login and search material below)
Animal of the week: Spiders : National Geographic kids Spiders
Video: Biology: Mini world of Insects and Spiders
Read to Me: Seed to Plant
WEEK 6- 25th-29th May
Kahoot Junior Infants
Beginning Sounds: 01972930
Wild Animals: 07033268
Letter Sounds: 0728996
Addition: 03846432
Reading CVC Words: 0334302
Teddy bear problem solving: 09932973
Summer Vocab: 07654756
Where food comes from: 01497178
Senior Infants Maths: 08585696
Phonics Quiz: 07467857
WEEK 5 18th – 22nd May
Junior Infants |
Kahoot Quizzes: Week 5: Junior Infants
Counting: 08521742
CVC Words: 0164589
Body Parts: 01933744
Addition: 03149726
Dictation Writing:
1. She hit me with a bat.
2. We can do it soon.
3. The nut was bad.
4. I ran to the end of the road.
5. The cat is in the tree.
6. He had to stand next to the man.
Epic website “Jeff’s Job: The sound of J”
Epic website National Geographic “All About Me”
Counting counting-worksheets-minibeasts
Activities https://ie.ixl.com/math/jr-infants
Senior Infants |
Put the following words into sentences –the zoo, sleeping, jigsaws, football, flowers, fast cars, sports day.
Reading: Epic website “Spare Dog Parts”
Epic website National Geographic “All About Me”
Twinkl website i-can-label-my-body-cut-and-paste-activity-sheet-english
Maths: Activities https://ie.ixl.com/math/sr-infants
WEEK 4 11th – 15th May
Junior Infants
Dictation Writing:
- The pink pig was hot.
- We lost the pen.
- She went to the zoo.
- He had a rest on the bed.
- It was a hard job to do.
- The map was in the tent.
Reading: Epic website “Mother and Baby Zoo Animals”
Revise phonics using the phonics card – orally question the children
CJFallon – Sounds like Phonics A online book (continue on) (All CJ Fallon Books available: https://my.cjfallon.ie/dashboard/student-resources)
CJFallon – Word Wise A online book
SESE: Mother & Baby
Patterns stripy-scarves-repeating-patterns-activity-sheet
Number formations 0-5 number-formation-workbook-minibeasts
Kahoot Assignments
Gaeilge : Eadaí 09554339
Reading CVC words: 0263534
Counting: 0941367
Letter sounds: 09162715
2D Shapes: 09638258
Please upload samples of work to SEESAW
Senior Infants
Put the following words into sentences – long grass, run fast, steep hill, best friend
Unscramble sentences school-objects-sentence-construction-activity-sheet
Reading: Epic website “Splat the Cat”
SESE: Elephants
Epic Website: Book “Savannah Animals Elephant” Video “Elephants”
Weight what-is-weight-senior-infants-powerpoint
Kahoot Quizzes: Senior Infants
Non standard units of measurements: 06459414
Choose the best word: 03724205
Fairy Tales: 02212565
Minibeasts: 03032056
Maths Test S.Infants: 08590366
week 3 5th – 8th May
Kahoot Assignments
Gaeilge : BIA 04422098
Fruit and Vegtables: 04239867
Simple Addition: 03063821
Sight Words Match: 08796340
Match Picture to CVC Word: 08274649
Senior Infants
Junior Infants
- Revise phonics using the phonics card – orally question the children
- CJFallon – Sounds like Phonics A online book (continue on) (All CJ Fallon Books available: https://my.cjfallon.ie/dashboard/student-resources)
- CJFallon – Word Wise A online book
- Independent writing – writing short sentences by sounding out words.
Free Writing Task:
– My Family
– Epic website “Pip Sits”

– Epic website “Kate Finds a Butterfly”

– Twinkl Website https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/us-sc-219-life-cycle-of-a-butterfly-powerpoint
– Days of the Week junior-infants-days-of-the-week
Senior Infants
- Sounds like Phonics B
- CJFallon – Word Wise B online book – continue through book
- Free writing – book review, My News, letter to someone (continue to free write at home every day) – if you wish please take a photo and upload to school email: info@newinngirlsschool.ie
Free Writing Task:
– My Favourite TV programme/Film during lockdown
– Epic website “Oopsy Teacher”

– Epic website “From the egg to Butterfly”

– Twinkl Website https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/us-sc-219-life-cycle-of-a-butterfly-powerpoint
– Money senior-infants-maths-money
– Money senior-infants-money
Other Activites / resources
Scavenger Hunts
Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4 Link 5 Link 6 Link 7 Link 8 Link 9
27th April – 1st May
Junior Infants
Maths Counting – 01805459
Animals: 03289840
Letter Sounds: 0916700
Gaeilge: Dathanna 06430908
Letter Beginings: 02145617
Senior Infants
Time: 05048186
Jolly Phonics Tricky Words: 0178713
Addition Maths facts to 20: 04011425
Animals: 0429429
Phonic Blends: 09675846
EPIC Reading:
Junior Infants – assigned book to read along with and listen

- Revise phonics using the phonics card – orally question the children
- CJFallon – Sounds like Phonics A online book (continue on) (All CJ Fallon Books available: https://my.cjfallon.ie/dashboard/student-resources)
- CJFallon – Word Wise A online book
- Independent writing – writing short sentences by sounding out words.
- Challenge this week to write down as many words as they can on a page
Tricky Words
- Revise tricky words and use them when writing sentences.
- CJFallon – Busy at Maths Junior Infants – continue working through the workbook , aim to do 5-7 pages a week
- Counting and Shape and Space in the environment – continually question the children on maths around us – e.g. how many birds can you see? What shape is the window? What shape is the football?__________________________________________________________
- Sounds like Phonics B
- CJFallon – Word Wise B online book – continue through book
- Free writing – book review, My News, letter to someone (continue to free write at home every day) – if you wish please take a photo and upload to school email: info@newinngirlsschool.ie
- Lots of reading (parents to read the following story (click on link) – Questions can be answered orally or in copy reading-comprehension-story-playing-with-friends-seniors
Tricky Words
- Revise tricky words and use them when writing sentences – kahoot quiz on tricky words

- CJFallon – Busy at Maths Senior Infants (continue on with workbook) and complete kahoot revision quizzes
- You can retry these quizzes if you wish.
Other Activites / resources
Scavenger Hunts
Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4 Link 5 Link 6 Link 7 Link 8 Link 9
WEEK 1 20th April -24th April
Junior Infants Work
- Revise phonics using the phonics card
- CJFallon – Sounds like Phonics A online book (p55 onwards) (All CJ Fallon Books available: https://my.cjfallon.ie/dashboard/student-resources)
- CJFallon – Word Wise A online book (pages 46-51)
- Independent writing – writing short sentences by sounding out words.
Tricky Words
- Revise tricky words and use them when writing sentences.
- CJFallon – Busy at Maths Junior Infants (p88 onwards)
- Counting and Shape and Space in the environment
EPIC (Reading) ‘EPIC!’ is an excellent website with 1000’s of books that can be read online. Each child should have received class code and child pin number. Encourage the children to listen to audio books also and retell the story back to you. Ask simple questions on the book to develop their Comprehension skills.
To access Epic
1. Login To www.getepic.com or download the Epic App.
2. Click on Students & Educators
3. Go to the Student Login and enter the Class Code & click on Go.
4. Click on your child’s name & enter their pin number.
5. You are now in your child’s page in Epic.
6. Please explore the resource and read as many books as they can during the week. There are audio books, picture books, videos and all genres available
7. The children can also explore extra books on Epic that they might be interested in. Just click into the search box and all of the themes will come up. They can choose from Fairy Tales, Adventure, Maths, Sport, Pets, Art, Space, Superheroes, Laugh Out Loud and lots more.
KAHOOT Quiz: Log onto Kahoot.it (download Kahoot onto any Android or IOS device) There are 5 quizzes to be completed each week on different subject areas. You can complete 1 quiz a day or if time restricts during the week, do a few at a time, it is up to you. You can also do the quizzes in whatever order you like. . You will need a PIN to complete each quiz. Each result and question is monitored by me to inform for future teaching.
Junior Infants: Pin Numbers
Jolly phonics set one Pin: 04816605
The four Seasons Pin: 06586386
Clothes/ weather/seasons Pin: 01567436
Jolly phonics (first sounds) Pin: 03745451
Junior Infants Maths Pin: 03813374
Senior Infants Work
- Sounds like Phonics B
- CJFallon – Word Wise B online book (pages 42-58)
- Free writing – book review, My News, letter to someone (continue to free write at home every day)
- Lots of reading (parents to read the following story (click on link) and ask questions orally) listening-and-comprehending
Tricky Words
- Revise tricky words and use them when writing sentences
EPIC (Reading) ‘EPIC!’ is an excellent website with 1000’s of books that can be read online. Each child should have received class code and child pin number. Encourage the children to listen to audio books also and retell the story back to you. Ask simple questions on the book to develop their Comprehension skills.
To access Epic
1. Login To www.getepic.com or download the Epic App.
2. Click on Students & Educators
3. Go to the Student Login and enter the Class Code & click on Go.
4. Click on your child’s name & enter their pin number.
5. You are now in your child’s page in Epic.
6. Please explore the resource and read as many books as they can during the week. There are audio books, picture books, videos and all genres available
7. The children can also explore extra books on Epic that they might be interested in. Just click into the search box and all of the themes will come up. They can choose from Fairy Tales, Adventure, Maths, Sport, Pets, Art, Space, Superheroes, Laugh Out Loud and lots more.
- CJFallon – Busy at Maths Senior Infants (continue on with workbook)
Weekly Kahoot quizzes on English Maths and SESE
KAHOOT Quiz: Log onto Kahoot.it (download Kahoot onto any Android or IOS device) There are 5 quizzes to be completed each week on different subject areas. You can complete 1 quiz a day or if time restricts during the week, do a few at a time, it is up to you. You can also do the quizzes in whatever order you like. You will need a PIN to complete each quiz. Each result and question is monitored by me to inform for future teaching.
Senior Infants: Pin Numbers
2D Shapes Pin: 06510132
Jolly Phonics Sounds Pin: 08396858
The Four Seasons Pin: 08898624
Jolly phonics Quiz Pin: 03519081
Simple Subtraction Pin: 04850109
Junior Infants |
Dictation Writing:
1. She hit me with a bat.
2. We can do it soon.
3. The nut was bad.
4. I ran to the end of the road.
5. The cat is in the tree.
6. He had to stand next to the man.
Epic website “Jeff’s Job: The sound of J”
Epic website National Geographic “All About Me”
Twinkl website https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/au-t-10000354-i-can-label-my-body-cut-and-paste-activity-sheet
Counting https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/t-n-355-my-counting-worksheet-minibeasts-parents
Activities https://ie.ixl.com/math/jr-infants
Senior Infants |
Put the following words into sentences – the zoo, sleeping, jigsaws, football, flowers, fast cars, sports day.
Reading: Epic website “Spare Dog Parts”
Epic website National Geographic “All About Me”
Twinkl website https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/au-t-10000354-i-can-label-my-body-cut-and-paste-activity-sheet
Activities https://ie.ixl.com/math/sr-infants