Week 8: 8th-12th June
Hi everybody,
hope you are all well and hopefully phase 2 of lockdown will see you having a bit more freedom and beginning to get out and about a bit more, but safely! Have a good week everyone!
Week 8 Kahoot: Senior Infants
Pirates: 07524808
Subtraction: 09001621
Fruit: 07781994
Phonics: Middle & end sounds: 02350859
Give us a clue: Shapes: 01572566
Animal of the week: Snakes
Book: “Snakes eat and grow” – Magic Readers
video: I’m a snake – “I’m an animal” series
Fiction: Pizza for Sam
Week 8: Kahoot: 1st Class
Pirates! Pirates! Pirates! : 09099940
General Knowledge: 02907117
Get in Shape!: 07204258
Well Known Sayings: 09523761
Maths Quiz!: 07791683
Animal of the week: snakes
Book: “Snakes eat and grow” – Magic Readers
Video: I’m a snake – “I’m an animal” series
Fiction: Snakes in third grade
Week 7 – 2nd -5th June
Hi everybody, I hope you have all had the opportunity to get out and enjoy the good weather and don’t panic over work not completed during the week! This is the time to get gardening, walking, playing outside!
Week 7: Kahoot: Senior Infants
Colours: 02729890
Nursery Rhymes: 09744409
Fun on the farm: 09788843
Picture Graphs: 01148110
Match the word: 04167891
Epic: Senior Infants
Animal of the week: Spiders : National Geographic kids Spiders
Video: Biology: Mini world of Insects and Spiders
Read to Me: Seed to Plant
Week 7: Kahoot: 1st Class
Sport: 01176495
Caitheamh Aimsire: 04820469
Number sequencing: 08341166
English Time: 03460081
Animal Homes: 04197699
Epic: 1st Class
Animal of the week: Spiders : National Geographic kids Spiders
Video: Biology: Mini world of Insects and spiders
Mindfulness: Zach gets frustrated
Week 6 – 25th 29th May
Hi all,
by now you should have received your homework pack that will keep you busy till the end of June, and we will be keeping up with weekly kahoot quizzes and assigned reading tasks from Epic. It was lovely meeting many of the parents on Friday and to hear that you are all doing well during lockdown. I hope this continues to remain the same and I look forward to seeing you again in the future! Stay safe everyone!
Week 6: Senior Infants: Epic
Animal of the week: Blue Whale “Blue Whale – The worlds biggest animal”
Watch video: Amazing animals “Blue Whale”
Read to me: “Monster Madness”
Kahoot Quizzes: Senior Infants
Teddybear problem solving: 09932973
Summer Vocabulary: 07654756
Where food comes from: 01497178
S. Infants Maths Quiz: 08585696
Phonics Quiz: 07467857
Week 6: 1st Class: Epic
Animal of the week: Blue Whale “Blue Whale – The world’s biggest animal”
Watch video: Amazing animals “blue Whale”
Ocean Animals from head to toe
Cave kid birthday
Kahoot Quizzes: 1st Class
Movies: 05379027
Anmhithe (animals) : 07599049
Maths problem solving: 05225252
Irregular plurals: 08986763
How smart are you? Number quiz: 04466250
Week 5 – 18th – 22nd May
Senior Infants
Animal of the Week: Lions : Epic reader: Animal Safari “Lions”
Extra book: “Insects” Animal Classes
Watch video: Amazing Animals: African Lion
Epic: Fiction: The Ninja bread man
Free Writing: Worksheet: Summer Postcard summer-holidays-postcard-activity-sheet
Reading: Wk.Sheet: Phase 2-5 Tricky Words phase-2-to-5-tricky-words-prompt-frame
Comprehension: Wk. Sheet: The Bumblebee bumblebee_comprehension
Phonics: Wk.Sheet: Read & Draw Activities phonics-read-and-draw-activity-sheet
Maths: Wk.Sheet: Symmetry: draw the other half draw-the-other-half-symmetry-activity-sheet
Science: Wk. Sheets: Solids and Liquids / Minibeast Hunt solids-and-liquids minibeast-hunt-and-location-recording-sheet
Geog: Wk.Sheets: People who help us people-who-help-us-read-and-draw-activity-sheets
Continue weekly Spellwell exercises and tests.
For extra work, use the cjfallon website to access “Busy at Maths S. Infant” programme.
“Master your Maths” S. Infant book is accessible on same site and is excellent as a weekly revision tool.
“Sounds like Phonics” S. Infants is also available on this site.
1st Class
Animal of the week: The Lion: Epic Reader: Animal Safari “Lions”
Watch video : Amazing Animals: African Lion
Extra book: “Insects” Animal Classes
Fiction: “The Lonely Giant”
Free Writing: WkSheet: Design and write Summer holiday postcard summer-holidays-postcard-activity-sheet
Reading: Wk Sheets: Insect Information Cards insect-information-cards
Comprehension: Wk. Sheet: King of the jungle king-of-the-jungle
Cloze procedure: Wk. Sheet: The 3 Little Pigs the-three-little-pigs-traditional-tale-cloze-procedure-differentiated-activity-sheets
Maths: Wk. Sheet: Butterfly Symmetry butterfly-symmetry-shape-worksheet
Gaeilge: Wk. Sheet: Do you like tv? ( An mhaith leat telifís?) Is/Ní mhaith liom ….. do-you-like-tv-activity-sheet-gaeilge
Science: Wk. Sheets: Solids/ Liquids and Gases solids-liquids-gas
Minibeast hunt and Location minibeast-hunt-and-location-recording-sheet
Continue with weekly spelling tests and exercises/ weekly Master your Maths test and exercises.
Use cjfallon website to access Busy at Maths 1 / My Read at Home 1 for comprehensions,
Continue to use Topmarks daily10 for mental clallenges, Level 1 Addition Up to 10 – Adding Ones. How long will it take you?? https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/daily10
Kahoot Quizzes: Week 5: Senior Infants
Dáthanna: 02379191
Opposites: 06233013
Phonics Quiz: 01191116
Ordinal Numbers: 07081650
Animal Habitats: 06306178
Kahoot Quizzes: Week 5: 1st Class
Lions: 05866784
Famous monuments: 09272673
Scoil: 05560283
Place Value/ Maths Facts: 02510996
Grammar/Prepositions: 02802611
Continue to use Topmarks daily 10 challenge to test your mental maths skills. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/daily10
Week 4 Mon 11th May – Fri 15th May
Senior Infants
Animal of the Week: Epic Reading: Savannah Animals “Elephants” and watch video: Elephants
Fiction: Epic :Splat the cat
Free writing: I love Summer because ……
Worksheet: What can you see in the home? at-home-scene-writing-stimulus-picture-activity-sheet
English: Simple sentence scrambler worksheet simple-sentence-scramble-activity-sheet
Science: Test for waterproof materials worksheet waterproof-materials-senior-infants
Art: how to draw an elephant worksheet how-to-draw-an-elephant-activity-sheet
Maths: Patchwork elephant addition to 20 worksheet patchwork-elephant-addition-to-20-colour-by-number
Continue Weekly SpellWell exercises and tests.
For extra work, use the cjfallon website to access “Busy at Maths S. Infants”.
Master your Maths Senior Infants is accessible on this site and is excellent as a weekly revision tool with daily exercises.
Sounds like Phonics Senior Infants is also available on this site and is useful for revising work on sounds.
If you feel like testing your mental maths, Daily 10 mental challenge Topmarks is an excellent website for timed exercises.https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/daily10
Click on the three choose buttons left hand side of screen to select Level 1 (1st choose button) Addition(2nd choose button)
Up to 20 1 more (3rd choose button). Before you play the game you can select the time taken for each question, eg. 3,5,7,10,15 or 20 seconds. Good Luck!
If worksheets can’t be printed off, don’t worry, do what you can into a copybook/notebook etc.
1st Class
Animal of the week: Epic Reading: Savannah Animals: “Elephants” and watch video “Elephants”
Fiction: Epic: Read to Me: “Scaredy Monster looses a tooth”
Free Writing: Character description of a monster worksheet describe-the-monster-writing-activity-sheet
Assessment: First 100 high frequency sight words worksheet first-one-hundred-high-frequency-words-assessment-checklist
Maths: subtraction from 20 number line worksheet subtraction-from-20-number-line-worksheet
Place Value worksheet place-value-worksheet
Science: Test for waterproof materials worksheet waterproof-materials-1st-class
Geog: Counties of Munster word search / Map of Ireland jigsaw map-of-ireland-jigsaw-puzzle-beginner
Art: How to draw an elephant how-to-draw-an-elephant-activity-sheet
Continue with weekly spelling tests and exercises and weekly Master your Maths exercises and tests.
cjfallon website to access Busy at Maths 1 and My Read at Home book 1 for comprehensions, p.88 onwards.
You are already familiar with website Topmarks daily 10 mental maths challenge, have a go at Level 1, Addition, Up to 20 adding ones. See if you can complete the challenge in 7 seconds! Good luck!
If worksheets can’t be printed off, don’t worry, just do what you can in a copybook/notebook etc.
Kahoot Quizzes: Week 4: Senior Infants
Non standard units of measurements: 06459414
Choose the best word: 03724205
Fairy Tales: 02212565
Minibeasts: 03032056
Maths Test S.Infants: 08590366
Kahoot Quizzes: Week 4: 1st Class
Landforms: 05960194
Éadaí: 07109011
The Gruffalo: 08208405
Maths Test 1st: 03633112
Elephants: 06997634
WEEK 3: 5th – 8th May
Free writing Task:
Senior Infants: My favourite tv programme/ film during Lockdown
27th April – 1st May
Senior Infants
Time: 05048186
Jolly Phonics Tricky Words: 0178713
Addition Maths facts to 20: 04011425
Animals: 0429429
Phonic Blends: 09675846
1st Class
Push Pull & Gravity: 03406200
Subtraction facts within 20: 0388448
Skip counting 2’s & 5’s : 03418853
Verbs: 05203244
Maths quiz 1st class: 07445232
- Sounds like Phonics B
- CJFallon – Word Wise B online book – continue through book
- Free writing – book review, My News, letter to someone (continue to free write at home every day) – if you wish please take a photo and upload to school email: info@newinngirlsschool.ie
- Lots of reading (parents to read the following story (click on link) – Questions can be answered orally or in copy reading-comprehension-story-playing-with-friends-seniors
Tricky Words
- Revise tricky words and use them when writing sentences – kahoot quiz on tricky words
- CJFallon – Busy at Maths Senior Infants (continue on with workbook) and complete kahoot revision quizzes
- You can retry these quizzes if you wish.
EPIC (Reading)
Gaeilge: Complete the following exercise in your copy bia-agus-deoch-1st-2nd .
Read each word aloud – learn foods – bia-flash-cards
Cùla 4 is a brilliant TV programme available on TG4 or it has its own app and website. Children should be encouraged to watch at least 10-15 mins a day. TG4 have a school programme at 10am every day which would develop their vocabulary and listening skills as Gaeilge. To access Cúla 4 schedule for week click:
Maths: Continue Master Your Maths each week. Also, complete 1 test a week at the back of the book. This book is a fantastic revision tool for children during this time. Answer booklet can be downloaded from this link: master-your-maths-1st-2nd-answers
If students wish to use or look at their Planet Maths Book, it is freely available on the Folens website https://www.folens.ie/books-and-programmes/our-ebooks
Interactive Maths revision games http://interactivesites.weebly.com/math.html (laptop pr PC)
Interactive tables games: TABLES
English: Continue Spell-well each week. Start to write words into simple sentences. Don’t forget capital letters and full stops.
Free writing suggestions: Simple book review on an EPIC book
Diary style extract and my news (once a week) – please upload sample of work to info@newinngirlsschool.ie. I would love to see some book reviews. Name of book – author – what book is about – what you learned – what do you think of the book – was it hard?
Other Activites / resources
Scavenger Hunts
Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4 Link 5 Link 6 Link 7 Link 8 Link 9
20th April – 24th April
Senior Infants Work
- Sounds like Phonics B
- CJFallon – Word Wise B online book (pages 42-58)
- Free writing – book review, My News, letter to someone (continue to free write at home every day)
- Lots of reading (parents to read the following story (click on link) and ask questions orally) listening-and-comprehending
Tricky Words
- Revise tricky words and use them when writing sentences
EPIC (Reading) ‘EPIC!’ is an excellent website with 1000’s of books that can be read online. Each child should have received class code and child pin number. Encourage the children to listen to audio books also and retell the story back to you. Ask simple questions on the book to develop their Comprehension skills.
To access Epic
1. Login To www.getepic.com or download the Epic App.
2. Click on Students & Educators
3. Go to the Student Login and enter the Class Code & click on Go.
4. Click on your child’s name & enter their pin number.
5. You are now in your child’s page in Epic.
6. Please explore the resource and read as many books as they can during the week. There are audio books, picture books, videos and all genres available
7. The children can also explore extra books on Epic that they might be interested in. Just click into the search box and all of the themes will come up. They can choose from Fairy Tales, Adventure, Maths, Sport, Pets, Art, Space, Superheroes, Laugh Out Loud and lots more.
- CJFallon – Busy at Maths Senior Infants (p84 onwards)
Weekly Kahoot quizzes on English Maths and SESE
KAHOOT Quiz: Log onto Kahoot.it (download Kahoot onto any Android or IOS device) There are 5 quizzes to be completed each week on different subject areas. You can complete 1 quiz a day or if time restricts during the week, do a few at a time, it is up to you. You can also do the quizzes in whatever order you like. You will need a PIN to complete each quiz. Each result and question is monitored by me to inform for future teaching.
Senior Infants: Pin Numbers
2D Shapes Pin: 06510132
Jolly Phonics Sounds Pin: 08396858
The Four Seasons Pin: 08898624
Jolly phonics Quiz Pin: 03519081
Simple Subtraction Pin: 04850109
1st class
Gaeilge: Complete the following exercise in your copy aimsir-draw-the-weather-with-each-phrase. Read each phrase aloud and orally question the child on meanings of same.
Maths: Continue Master Your Maths each week. Also, complete 1 test a week at the back of the book. This book is a fantastic revision tool for children during this time. If students wish to use or look at their Planet Maths Book, it is freely available on the Folens website https://www.folens.ie/books-and-programmes/our-ebooks
Interactive Maths revision games http://interactivesites.weebly.com/math.html (laptop pr PC)
English: Continue Spell-well each week. Start to write words into simple sentences. Don’t forget capital letters and full stops.
Free writing suggestions: Simple book review on an EPIC book; Diary style extract and my news (once a week)
- Continue to read each week whether that is books/newspapers/magazines etc. or using the online tool ‘EPIC! ‘EPIC!’ is an excellent website with 1000’s of books that can be read online. Each child should have received class code and child pin number. A book will be assigned each week to read (Geography / History / Science)
To access Epic
1. Login To www.getepic.com or download the Epic App.
2. Click on Students & Educators
3. Go to the Student Login and enter the Class Code & click on Go.
4. Click on your child’s name & enter their pin number.
5. You are now in your child’s page in Epic. You can click on Mailbox to see the book that has been assigned to your child for this week. .
6. Please explore the resource and read as many books as they can during the week. There are audio books, picture books, videos and all genres available
7. The children can also explore extra books on Epic that they might be interested in. Just click into the search box and all of the themes will come up. They can choose from Fairy Tales, Adventure, Maths, Sport, Pets, Art, Space, Superheroes, Laugh Out Loud and lots more.
8. We hope that the children will find this resource very enjoyable! Encourage the children to retell books read in their own words and question them on same to develop their comprehension skills.
KAHOOT Quiz: Log onto Kahoot.it (download Kahoot onto any Android or IOS device) There are 5 quizzes to be completed each week on different subject areas. You can complete 1 quiz a day or if time restricts during the week, do a few at a time, it is up to you. You can also do the quizzes in whatever order you like. You will need a PIN to complete each quiz. Each result and question is monitored by me to inform for future teaching.
1st Class Pin Numbers
Adjectives Quiz: 02190192
2D & 3D Shapes: 02550406
Maths Problems: 08844361
Grammar Quiz: 05246150
Mental Maths : 073255000