Home Learning

26th June 2020



15th June 2020

Dear parents/guardians,

I hope you are all keeping well. You might have heard the recent news about returning to school in August/September 2020. The Department of Education and Skills released a 27 page publication outlining a roadmap for reopening schools. There will be more guidance released in July to schools and until then we are going to plan as normal.

This week parents will receive report cards, book lists and general information regarding school in the new academic year. As per HSE guidelines we will be implementing safety features and correct protocols will be in place.

We as a staff would like to thank all parents for their support and hard work at home with the children. This week we have one Kahoot for the school. It is a fun family quiz, please write your child’s name down as the entry. The questions are only for 10-20 seconds so be ready to answer. It is only a bit of fun so give it a go!

The pin is 05244339 and you can play it on www.kahoot.it


Tomás Mc Loughlin



8th June 2020

Dear parents,

Welcome to another week of home schooling and at last we are finally on the countdown. I hope that everyone is staying safe. We appreciate all the efforts everybody is putting in at home and we are glad to say this is the final week of online learning (Kahoots & Epic). Please feel free to carry on with work sheets/books at your own pace and continue to upload any activity (sports/ musical/ home skills etc) to Seesaw. Let us hope that in a few months all this will be a distant memory.

The school has received information on the postponed Holy Communion. Please view this at https://tinyurl.com/ydb88ncl

We are currently writing up reports, book lists and next year’s school calendar and you will receive same in the coming weeks. As always please feel free to contact me over any concern or school related queries (info@newinngirlsschool.ie)

Le gach dea-ghuí

Tomas Mc Loughlin

Week 8 Kahoots:

Ms Kinane :  www.newinngirlsschool.ie/ms-kinane/

Mrs Harrington:  www.newinngirlsschool.ie/mrs-harrington

Ms Bailey:    http://www.newinngirlsschool.ie/msbailey/

Ms Bourke / Wallace  :    www.newinngirlsschool.ie/ms-bourke-wallace/

Mr Mc Loughlin:     www.newinngirlsschool.ie/mr-mcloughlin


1st June 2020

Hello. We hope you are all enjoying the fine spell of weather. We acknowledge it is very difficult to get any ‘home-learning’ work completed during this time. Please remember this is only a guide for you and do what suits your families’ situation. Please feel free to contact me if you have any queries; info@newinngirlsschool.ie.


Tomás Mc Loughlin

Week 7 Kahoots:

Ms Kinane :  www.newinngirlsschool.ie/ms-kinane/

Mrs Harrington:  www.newinngirlsschool.ie/mrs-harrington

Ms Bailey:    http://www.newinngirlsschool.ie/msbailey/

Ms Bourke / Wallace  :    www.newinngirlsschool.ie/ms-bourke-wallace/

Mr Mc Loughlin:     www.newinngirlsschool.ie/mr-mcloughlin

24th May 2020

Hi all, thanks so much for the great response re collecting the work folders last Friday. Please remember that there is no obligation to complete it. We are going to continue with Kahoot quizzes and Epic Reading for the next few weeks such was the positive response from both. SEESAW is a communication app where parents or children can upload pieces of work with the class teacher or if they need to message the teacher about a query they may have.  Kahoot quizzes will be uploaded every Sunday evening and if children wish they can complete other class quizzes for revision or to challenge themselves.

We are still awaiting guidelines from the Department of Education and the HSE re next year and when we receive same, we will contact you on the plan for the next academic year. We also would like to remember the girls in 2nd class who should have received their first Holy Communion yesterday. Thanks to Ms Bailey for the class message on SEESAW and to Fr Bobby for his lovely video to the girls. I’m sure they appreciated it.

Idir an dá linn


Tomás Mc Loughlin

Kahoot Quizzes for each class:

Ms Kinane :  www.newinngirlsschool.ie/ms-kinane/

Mrs Harrington:  www.newinngirlsschool.ie/mrs-harrington

Ms Bailey:    http://www.newinngirlsschool.ie/msbailey/

Ms Bourke / Wallace  :    www.newinngirlsschool.ie/ms-bourke-wallace/

Mr Mc Loughlin:     www.newinngirlsschool.ie/mr-mcloughlin


17th May 2020

Dear parents / guardians, thank you all for the home learning activities uploaded to SEESAW in the past week. We love to see the children’s work and activities that they are doing at home. As you may well know, teachers are allowed to visit schools for remote teaching purposes from Monday 18th May. As a staff, we have decided that it would be beneficial to provide pupils with an individual folder of assigned home learning activities for the next 4 weeks. You should have received a text in relation to details of collection. HSE guidelines will be adhered to during this process.

Any parent who has more than one child in the school can collect their children’s folders together. We have arranged that any uncollected folders can be delivered for those who cannot make the journey. We would appreciate if everybody could collect and leave the car park as swiftly and safely as possible.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any query to the above: info@newinngirlsschool.ie

Is mise le meas

Tomás Mc Loughlin


Please find assigned work for this week below: (the work provided is only a guide and there is no pressure complete some or any of this)

Ms Kinane :  www.newinngirlsschool.ie/ms-kinane/

Mrs Harrington:  www.newinngirlsschool.ie/mrs-harrington

Ms Bailey:    http://www.newinngirlsschool.ie/msbailey/

Ms Bourke / Wallace  :    www.newinngirlsschool.ie/ms-bourke-wallace/

Mr Mc Loughlin:     www.newinngirlsschool.ie/mr-mcloughlin/

Ms Mc Millan: www.newinngirlsschool.ie/ms-mc-millan-s-e-t


10th May 2020

Dear parents / guardians, you will have all heard the news regarding school closure for the rest of this academic year. It is such a pity the 6th class girls will not experience the fun final few months of primary school. We are awaiting confirmation from the HSE and department of education regarding school in September. Guidelines on a range of topics will be published over the coming weeks and I will relay same to you. As per the speech given by An Taoiseach, teachers are now allowed to enter schools from 18th May to help with remote teaching. As a staff, we have decided to meet during this week to prepare 4 weeks of work for the children. We acknowledge it is difficult for parents to print off sheets etc for the children at present so we hope by making revision packs that the children may be able to work through prescribed work at a time suitable for them. We will continue with Kahoot quizzes, EPIC reader and Khan Academy Maths (3rd-6th class) for revision purposes. SEESAW will be used for communication between parents, children and teachers and for uploading completed work. We feel it is important, now more than ever, that children become somewhat au fait with technology in education.

Here is a nice publication that you could read with your child to help them try and understand about the current situation with regards to Covid19.

Again, we are delighted to see so many students partaking in the Kahoot Quiz challenges and logging into EPIC reader. Although books may be assigned to some classes, please feel free to navigate through the site and listen to audio books, watch educational fun videos and read books/comics that may be of interest to the children. SEESAW is a fantastic communication tool and teachers love to see prescribed work completed / little notes from the children or a video of an activity they are doing at home. Teachers will endeavour to respond and comment on samples of work and love hearing from the children. Parents who have completed the online CONSENT FORM will have received a code. Anybody who has yet to complete same can via: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1FoGIZwY0IMX0j-mLLnFXMFSeN2evhRfXebuo-SICqwI/viewform?edit_requested=true . If anyone has not yet received their code email info@newinngirlsschool.ie

Please find assigned work for this week below: (the work provided is only a guide and there is no pressure complete some or any of this)

Ms Kinane :  www.newinngirlsschool.ie/ms-kinane/

Mrs Harrington:  www.newinngirlsschool.ie/mrs-harrington

Ms Bailey:    http://www.newinngirlsschool.ie/msbailey/

Ms Bourke / Wallace  :    www.newinngirlsschool.ie/ms-bourke-wallace/

Mr Mc Loughlin:     www.newinngirlsschool.ie/mr-mcloughlin/

Ms Mc Millan: www.newinngirlsschool.ie/ms-mc-millan-s-e-t

Is mise le meas

Tomás Mc Loughlin



Thanks to those who have filled in the parents consent form for SEESAW communication tool. You should have received a code for your child to login. People with more than one child in the school will need to sign out and sign in to upload the work of that particular child. There is no option to create two accounts for SEESAW Home learning. It might be a good idea to upload some ‘home-work’ at the end of a week rather than daily. Keep your childs CODE saved for easy access.

Below is a PDF of FAQ’s on SEESAW Home learning app which may be of assistance to you. If you still have issues please email info@newinngirlsschool.ie


Parents /guardians who have yet to fill in the Seesaw consent form can still do so at:  https://forms.gle/wUEZUtJFowMSVEnBA

You will receive a CODE for your child by text when this is completed


4th May 2020

Dear parents / guardians, we hope you are all staying safe. We are delighted to see the online activity in EPIC reader and Kahoot quizzes over the past week again. Encourage the children to continue reading books from the website/app. There are 1000’s of educational material from videos to audio books available. Teachers can track books read and time spent reading / watching / listening.

We have decided to use a new APP for teachers to receive home learning activities. SEESAW is an app where children/parents can upload their assignments to the class teacher. This APP will act as an e-Portfolio and the teacher can download all their work as a PDF document at the end of June. It is a fantastic communication tool and teachers will comment on work uploaded.

  • You will receive a 12 digit code for your child and this will be unique to them.
  • To enter this click I’m a student and then ENTER TEXT CODE.
  • After entering the code you will be able to upload work completed and every post goes to the teacher account for approval.

We hope this will encourage everybody to upload material and allows parents with queries on assigned work to contact the teacher directly. We are completing a staff online training course on this during the week. You should receive the CODE by Thursday at the latest.

By the end of the week I will upload a series of images on the step by step process of this app / website. I will contact you on same by text message with the CODE.

Hopefully Phase 1 of the governments plans will come into place by May 18th and teachers will be allowed access the school.  If so, we hope to make workbooks and teacher designed work-packs available to the children. We will update you on this over the coming weeks.

Idir an dá linn


Tomás Mc Loughlin


Ms Mc Millan: www.newinngirlsschool.ie/ms-mc-millan-s-e-t

Ms Kinane :  www.newinngirlsschool.ie/ms-kinane/

Mrs Harrington:  www.newinngirlsschool.ie/mrs-harrington

Ms Bailey:    http://www.newinngirlsschool.ie/msbailey/

Ms Bourke / Wallace  :    www.newinngirlsschool.ie/ms-bourke-wallace/

Mr Mc Loughlin:     www.newinngirlsschool.ie/mr-mcloughlin/


26th April 2020

Dear parents/ guardians, we were delighted to see all the Kahoots being played this week and the uptake on EPIC reading. Please encourage your child to keep reading. If a child wishes to do a kahoot from another class (e.g. 1st class child doing a senior infant kahoot or 4th class wishing to do a kahoot from 5th/6th class) please feel free to do so. It can be a good way to revise previous topics or to challenge oneself.

5th and 6th class have been set up with Khan Academy Maths revision. This is a fantastic resource to practice and revise topics moving up levels as you progress. 3rd and 4th class will be enrolled this week and details will be texted home. We hope you are staying safe at home and thankfully the weather has been kind so far.

An update on class work for the week has been uploaded to each teachers folder and this can be accessed on the links below.

Thanking you

Tomás Mc Loughlin

Ms Mc Millan: www.newinngirlsschool.ie/ms-mc-millan-s-e-t

Ms Kinane :  www.newinngirlsschool.ie/ms-kinane/

Mrs Harrington:  www.newinngirlsschool.ie/mrs-harrington

Ms Bailey:    http://www.newinngirlsschool.ie/msbailey/

Ms Bourke / Wallace  :    www.newinngirlsschool.ie/ms-bourke-wallace/

Mr Mc Loughlin:     www.newinngirlsschool.ie/mr-mcloughlin/


19th April 2020

Dear parents / guardians, we hope you had a nice Easter together and everybody is staying safe. After a video conferencing call, the staff have decided on a long term plan for learning at home during these times. We know parents/guardians have alot on their minds at the moment and totally understand if some of the assigned work is not completed. All the work will be revision based and we are using two learning / education platforms to help parents and students. EPIC is a fantastic online reading website/application with over 40000 free eBooks, audio books and educational videos. We would highly encourage you to avail of this resource if possible. Kahoot is another tool we have set up for the school This is an assessment tool which the children find engaging, fun and beneficial. All details on accessing this tool are clearly highlighted in each teachers folder on the website. These can be accessed by clicking the links below. If parent/guardians are having issues logging on etc, please send an email to info@newinngirlsschool.ie.

New Kahoot Quizzes and scheduled work for the children will be available every Monday morning on the links below.

Please remember all books are available online to view through the publishers website.

We hope you continue to stay safe during these times.


Tomás Mc Loughlin

Ms Mc Millan: www.newinngirlsschool.ie/ms-mc-millan-s-e-t

Ms Kinane :  www.newinngirlsschool.ie/ms-kinane/

Mrs Harrington:  www.newinngirlsschool.ie/mrs-harrington

Ms Bailey:    http://www.newinngirlsschool.ie/msbailey/

Ms Bourke / Wallace  :    www.newinngirlsschool.ie/ms-bourke-wallace/

Mr Mc Loughlin:     www.newinngirlsschool.ie/mr-mcloughlin/


3rd April 2020

Dear Parents,

We hope you are all staying safe during this unprecedented time.  We acknowledge that some parents may be anxious regarding the academic development of their child during school closure. Regarding ‘homework’, we are setting up an online eBook facility for children. This website/app has been used by 5th/6th class during the year and is fantastic online learning opportunity. There are over 35000 eBooks from all genres to audio-books and quizzes after each book. Some parents may have received the login details and over the coming days more will receive a class code and a pin code for your child. We hope you would engage with your child with regard to books read or listened to. Questioning the children on events in the story and getting them to retell it in their own words are excellent strategies that can be used.

Depending on the directive from the Department of Education, we as a staff will then decide on teaching and learning after Easter. Again remember to stay safe and happy Easter to all.

Tomás Mc Loughlin


25th March 2020

Dear Parents,

the staff of Scoil Mhuire Gan Smál & Newinn B.N.S. appreciate that you are all extremely worried without adding concerns about your childs education to the list. Rest assured that when things return to normal, the teachers will do their utmost to bring them up to speed. We do not expect any parent to feel the need to provide a normal school routine during this time but we are providing you with additional curriculum work / revision / activities and resources if you so wish to avail of them (List can be sourced here:

We understand it is enough to cope each day as it comes and anything you do with your child is an added bonus. We encourage children to partake in general life skills (cleaning / cooking/ playing ­and creative activities) over the coming weeks and we hope everyone remains safe during this unprecedented times.

God bless and keep safe. From the staff and Board of Management of Scoil Mhuire Gan Smál.

Yours sincerely,

Tomás Mc Loughlin

Please see link to advice from the department regarding schoolwork guide-for-parents-supporting-children

Link to Junior Infants -2nd Class work / activities / ideas http://www.newinngirlsschool.ie/juniors-2nd-class-links-resources/

Link to 3rd – 6th Class http://www.newinngirlsschool.ie/3rd-6th-class-work/


12th March 2020

Please use links below on update re COVID-19 for schools and home.

Children are advised to wash their hands entering school, before and after breaks and before going home. Surfaces, door handles etc are being sanitized daily. Any further updates will be relayed by text message and on the school website.

