Partnerships – March/April 2020
Senior infants and 1st class enjoying the sunshine to practice their fundamental skills with Denis!
Thanks to Martina Durkan and Tadhg Mohally for giving up their time on Monday 2nd March to inspire the girls to join their local club Rockwell Rovers LGFA., and to Katie and Ciara who shared some of their experiences with all the classes!
Partnerships – January/February 2020
Senior Infants & 1st class working with Denis to improve hand eye coordination, ball skills, balance and stability!!
Partnerships – May/June 2019
On Wednesday 22nd June the boys and girls of Scoil Mhuire Gan Smál participated in two 40 minute fitness sessions with representatives from Fyffes bananas which Miss Kinane had won in a draw for the school. By the end of this workout, sweat was dripping off their brow having completed a series of exercises designed to build muscle, increase speed and develop overall fitness.Between burpees, frog squats, polar bear walk, and the gorilla walk, the children were exhausted!! But thankfully bananas were on offer, with keyrings and recipes to ease the pain!
Partnerships – March/April 2019
On Tues 30th of April the children of Scoil Mhuire Gan Smál proudly took part in a fun filled morning of dance in the hall to help raise much needed funds for the Irish Cancer society. Tuning in toToday FM got the party started with “shut up and dance with me” and the children continued to dance their socks off to a medley of well chosen tunes, who were ably led by the senior girls in Mrs. Ryan’s room. A total of £361.30 was raised by the school, so a big well done to you all!
Partnerships – January/February 2019
The Aldi sticker challenge
Well done to all the boys and girls who in just 4 days have helped us reach our target of 300 stickers to fill our chart. Fingers crossed we will be the chosen school to win the top prize of €50.000 on playing facilities !!
Regardless of winning, each school on completing a poster, will receive an Aldi plays rugby kit bag, 4 rugby balls and 4 water bottles.
Active School Committee leading Morning Madness in the líne
We are taking part in the Aldi challenge to collect 300 rugby star stickers and would be very grateful if you are shopping in Aldi to ask for them. A total of 300 stickers are needed which gives the school a chance to win €50,000 towards sports resources. We have until 7/4/19 to complete this task.
Fundamental Skills coaching with Brian White in partnership with Rockwell Rovers G.A.A. club. Room 1 (Mrs. Harrington) & Room 2 (Ms. Kinane)
Partnerships – November/December 2018
Pupils from 5th & 6th class have been given the opportunity to partake in the Cycle Right campaign. This is a five week course which started on Wednesday 21st November and aims to provide practical cycle safety and skills training to promote competent and confident cyclists.
Our thanks to the facilitators Donal and Ollie.
This programme was offered to us by the Tipperary Sports Partnership in association with Tipperary County Council and the HSE who partly subsidise the cost leaving us with a balance of €10 per child.
Cycling review by Cara Hennessy, member of the Active School committee.
For the past three weeks we have been doing cycling in school with Donal & Ollie from Waterford. I’m really enjoying it. The cycling is only for 5th & 6th class
On the first week we learned a lot about cycling that I never knew before. For example we learned how to signal, ride a bike with one hand and how to turn bends while remaining safely on a bike and on the second week we stayed inside because it was raining and we watched a video about cycling safely. For example reading road signs and how to be safe on a bike while on a busy road and the safety of a helmet.
Last week we played games with Ollie like the slow games where you have to try to go as slow as you can without putting your foot on the ground and in the other games everyone is in a circle and you can’t put your foot down and if you do you are out of the game. With Donal we were just cycling around.
I am really enjoying doing cycling with Donal and Ollie and I have learned lots of new things while having fun at the same time.
Cycling review by Maeve Carroll, member of the Active School committee
The last few weeks the 5th & 6th class were doing cycling every Wednesday. Donal & Ollie from Waterford are our teachers.
The first week we had a half an hour inside and two hours outside. I learned a lot about the bike and helmet. There are a lot of bike and helmet checks. On the bike you have to look out for five checks. On the helmet there are three checks you have to look out for.
On the second week it was raining so we didn’t go outside. We watched a video about cycling on busy roads and going left and right.
On the third week we went outside and checked our helmets and bikes. After that we started waving and putting our hands out to go left and right. I wasn’t very good but Donal & Ollie helped me and now I am able to do it.
On the fourth week we were so good that they left us play games. One of the games was a big circle and everyone started to cycle around the circle and cones until there was just one left.
I learned a lot about cycling. My name is Maeve Carroll and I like cycling safe.
Partnerships – October 2018
Primary Schools Cross Country 2018
On Wednesday 24th October pupils from 3rd to 6th class travelled to Marlfield, Clonmel to participate in the 2018 Primary Schools Cross Country event. Thanks to those who were able to support the girls on the day.
5K FunRun on 7/10/18 organised by the Parents Council
Partnerships – September 2018
First week back with Ms. Cronin our dance teacher, and Mrs. Harrington’s room are wiggling, jumping, curling up and stretching to get those bodies moving!!
New class added: 4.45pm to 5.30pm every Wednesday in New Inn Community Hall. For boys and girls, Juniors to 1st class.
Partnerships – May/June 2018
Newly formed Rockwell Rovers Ladies G.A.A. Club 23/5/18
Thanks to Basketball Coach, Liam Fennell and parent mentor, Andy Hennessy for all their hard work with the girls.
Partnerships – March/April 2018
After School Athletics Training with Mrs. Ryan: Distance Running 3/4 minutes
After School Athletics Training with Mrs. Ryan: Shuttle Runs
Land PAWS Aquatic programme
On Thursday and Friday, 15th/16th of March, Junior and Senior infants met together to learn about the importance of water safety in the pool, at home, the outdoors and on the farm. They had a chance to examine a life guards outfit and rescue ring and practice throwing it. The rules of keeping safe were explained and a series of slide shows were watched and discussed.
Partnerships – January/February 2018
ASAP Feb 18 Gymnastics strand: warm ups/rolls/tumbles and cartwheels |
ASAP Feb 18 gymnastics strand cartwheels
Games with Junior Infants with Barretstown leaders 26/1/18
Senior Infants Fundamental skills coaching with Declan Crowe Jan 18 in partnership with Rockwell Rovers G.A.A Club
Junior Infants Fundamental skills coaching Jan 18 with Declan Crowe
Hurling Wall at Rockwell Rovers G.A.A. club
Camógie training with Brian White. 4th, 5th & 6th class
- Scoil Mhuire gan Smál has worked closely with Tipperary Sports Partnership whilst working towards the Active School Flag in 2016/2017.
- Tipperary Sports Partnership secured a place for teacher training for a staff member on The Be Active ASAP Programme, and since then an active programme has been rolled out for 1st – 4th class for every term covering various strands of the P.E. curriculum.
- The Be Active ASAP uses the school facilities, and is led by the Principal (Mrs. Fiona Ryan) and is supported by volunteer parent leaders.
- Parental involvement in the Be Active ASAP Programme is a crucial aspect of the programme and it aims to improve the attitudes of both children and their parents towards physical activity and lay the foundation for positive, lifelong physical activity habits.
- Scoil Mhuire gan Smál teams up with our local GAA club Rockwell Rovers in the second term to provide coaching in the fundamental movement skills (run, hop, jump, throw, catch, skip, strike, dodge etc.) which are the basis of many physical activities and contribute to the development of agility, balance, coordination and speed to Junior Infants & Senior Infants while the acquatics programme is being delivered to 1st – 6th class. They form the basis of many activities across the six strands of the curriculum.
- Coaching in Camógie/hurling & football is provided throughout the year from 1st – 6th by Brian White, which takes place weekly on a Thursday morning.
- After school athletic/running club is provided by the Principal, Mrs. Ryan, in the 1st & last term for 3rd – 6th class, once a week.
- A jersey Jog fundraiser has been held in 1st term for the previous 2 years, 2015/16, 2016/17, involving staff, pupils, parents & the local community. A further Jersey Jog is planned for the year 2017/18.
- In 2017, Operation Transformation teamed up with Active School Flag to promote activity in primary schools.
10. Our school established an Active School Flag Committee at the outset of the ASF process.
The committee includes girls from third class to sixth class with 2 children from Junior Infants to 2nd class who attend occasional meetings throughout the year.
Duties includes:
- Establishing an Active Schools Flag Noticeboard
- Checking regularly the Active School Flag suggestion box
- Conducted a “what club are you in survey” to find out about physical opportunities in the local community
- Promotion of local clubs within the school
- Organised active flag slogan/ poster competitions.
- Tidying up sports equipment weekly, 1st – 3rd class.
- Input and assisting the organisation of Active School Week
- Assisting supervising teachers in daily morning madness in the line.
- Welcoming guests to the school for Active School Week.
- Researching and inviting parents to participate in Active School Week events/school year.
- Researching local sports clubs and physical activity providers to provide taster sessions during the year.
- The Active School Committee informs pupils and parents about physical opportunities that are available in the locality.
- Assisting & leading activities in the playground for Wacky Wednesdays/Game of the month etc./Tournament Thursdays during 3rd term.
For the past 20 years, the children have been learning GAA skills in the school. We are lucky to have an excellent coach, Brian White, who visits the school every Thursday. He trains children from 1st – 6th class. He teaches both football and hurling/camogie.
Mary Doyle Athletics
The school has been working in conjunction with Mary Doyle to train the children in athletics for over 20 years. Children are taught the skills required to participate in all areas of athletics from distance running to shot putt. Mrs. Ryan trains the children after school on a Tuesday evening. The children attend Mary Doyle’s club every Monday and Wednesday evening.
Clonmel Swimming Pool
Pupils from 1st – 6th class attend Clonmel Swimming Pool once a week for 9 weeks to learn how to swim. The children are taught by caring professionals who ensure that all children enjoy swimming and develop their swimming skills.
Our school the Land PAWS water Safety Programme to support the Aquatics strand. This is taught before the children begin their swimming lessons in Term 2.
Alison Cronin Dance
The children are very lucky to be taught dance by a qualified dance teacher. Alison Cronin has been working with the school for nearly 30 years. The children begin learning how to dance from Junior Infants and continue until 6th Class. This allows the children to progress and thrive each year.
Rockwell College
We are very lucky to have Rockwell College in our area. Their transition year students gave 5th and 6th class the opportunity to learn spikeball in our school hall. A spikeball tournament was run in their school hall after weeks of practise. Our girls played a number of different schools from the surrounding area. These were very competitive games which allowed the children to put into play the skills they had been taught. Rockwell College were very welcoming and made us all feel very welcome.
The school has been very looking to work in conjunction with DKAM for the past 8 years. Kenny Hassett and his team have come to our school to orchestrate sports day activities and also to teach the children gymnastics and outdoor games throughout the school year.